Contact us


To place an order please either add your selected products to your basket which you can complete payment with either Stripe or Paypal through check-out. 

You can place an order over the phone which payment can be made either over the phone or payment link can be sent directly to your email or mobile. To place an order over the phone please call 0800 080 3489. 

If you have already placed an order and would like to discuss this further please either reply to your order confirmation email, fill out the contact form below or contact us via the details provided below. 


Any orders placed over the phone - POSTAGE IS FREE!

If you would like to create your own essential oils box (3-12 bottles) you will need to call us on 0800 080 3489 - soon this will be available directly on our website, please subscribe to keep up to date on changes on our website!


As of April 2nd you will also be able to find us at a variety of Cornwall Markets between Tuesday-Sunday 8am-4pm. More details to come soon, this will be between Falmouth and Helstons Markets through BigBarn Markets.


Cherry Tree Cottage 



0800 080 3489